Our services

We work with companies of all sizes—from seed-level startups to orgs in scale-up mode—to bring thrilling products to life. Whatever the requirements for your custom software solution, our team has the full-stack knowledge and platform fluency to make it happen.

Fast Club: A fashion-focused e-commerce app where users can easily shop with friend—saving on their carbon footprint and the cost of shipping.

Consumer shopping preferences are changing. With traditional brick-and-mortar shopping models give way to more convenient online platforms, FastClub has found a way to fill the need for the amazing feeling of shopping with friends.

In this project, we undertook a deep dive into user experience, creative branding, and interface design. We developed the application in close collaboration with FastClub's founders and managed the product to create a unique shopping experience with a high level of customer satisfaction.

Technologies used:

Mobile - React native
Infrastructure: Amazon web services

Since FastClub already had a well-defined business model and clear vision for their product, we were able to quickly develop the application from scratch.

In line with the client's vision of a communal shopping experience that reduced the environmental impact of shipping to multiple locations, we conducted research to confirm the viability of such a product. From there, we set clear timelines and milestones with the client.

With everyone on board, we worked together to offer FastClub the following services to ensure the best outcome:

  • branding
  • User experience
  • UI design
  • Live demo
  • Product management
  • Development
  • QA testing