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We work with companies of all sizes—from seed-level startups to orgs in scale-up mode—to bring thrilling products to life. Whatever the requirements for your custom software solution, our team has the full-stack knowledge and platform fluency to make it happen.


Read up on custom software development, partner success stories, and insights into the latest trends in the tech and Software Development as a Service (SDaaS) space

Breaking Barriers: A Journey into Software Development and the Power of Female Voices in Tech image Breaking Barriers: A Journey into Software Development and the Power of Female Voices in Tech image

Breaking Barriers: A Journey into Software Development and the Power of Female Voices in Tech

In the ever-evolving world of technology, diversity is more than just a buzzword—it’s a catalyst for innovation. As the tech industry continues to expand, the importance of including diverse perspectives, particularly those of women...

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Introducing Aitellu: Revolutionizing Language Learning with AI-Driven Storytelling image Introducing Aitellu: Revolutionizing Language Learning with AI-Driven Storytelling image

Introducing Aitellu: Revolutionizing Language Learning with AI-Driven Storytelling

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new brand product , Aitellu, a groundbreaking platform designed to enhance your language learning experience through the power of AI-driven storytelling....

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Enhancing Business Solutions: Vikonnekt Partners with IBM Denmark image Enhancing Business Solutions: Vikonnekt Partners with IBM Denmark image

Enhancing Business Solutions: Vikonnekt Partners with IBM Denmark

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, collaboration is key to success. Vikonnekt, a leading provider f innovative business solutions, understands this well. By forging strategic partnerships with industry giants, Vikonnekt aims to..

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Unlocking Business Potential: Vikonnekt Partners with Stripe image Unlocking Business Potential: Vikonnekt Partners with Stripe image

Unlocking Business Potential: Vikonnekt Partners with Stripe

Introduction to Vikonnekt: Vikonnekt is a software and product development firm based in Iceland, specializing in scalable development services, due diligence..

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Tók fimm mánuði að byrja að tala ís­lensku image Tók fimm mánuði að byrja að tala ís­lensku image

Tók fimm mánuði að byrja að tala ís­lensku

Þegar ég sótti um í Háskóla Íslands kom í ljós að ég þyrfti að læra íslensku áður en ég færi í hugbúnaðarverkfræðina, þannig að ég byrjaði á því að fara í íslenskunám þegar ég flutti til Íslands,“ segir Safa Jemai hugbúnaðarverkfræðingur og stofnandi Víkonnekt og Mabrúka...

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Empowering Women in Tech: Safa Jemai's Journey with Víkonnekt- FemTech World image Empowering Women in Tech: Safa Jemai's Journey with Víkonnekt- FemTech World image

Empowering Women in Tech: Safa Jemai's Journey with Víkonnekt- FemTech World

Safa Jemai: Tunisian tech entrepreneur, co-founder of Víkonnekt, and advocate for diversity in tech. …

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Top women from VC and startup ecosystem in Iceland image Top women from VC and startup ecosystem in Iceland image

Top women from VC and startup ecosystem in Iceland

Vestbee continues its exploration of the global startup and venture capital scene, highlighting inspiring female entrepreneurs driving business development. Previously, we surveyed countries like France, Italy...

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Nordic Women in Tech Awards 2023 winners announced image Nordic Women in Tech Awards 2023 winners announced image

Nordic Women in Tech Awards 2023 winners announced

The Nordic Women in Tech Awards announced the winners of its annual awards program, during a gala event hosted at Harpa on November 9th. …

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Hef alltaf þurft að gera meira en aðrir image Hef alltaf þurft að gera meira en aðrir image

Hef alltaf þurft að gera meira en aðrir

Safa Jemai flutt­ist til Íslands frá Tún­is aðeins 23 ára göm­ul, hún lærði hug­búnaðar­verk­fræði og nú sex árum síðar rek­ur hún tvö mjög ólík fyr­ir­tæki. Annað sel­ur krydd frá Tún­is og hitt hjálp­ar fyr­ir­tækj­um að þróa hug­búnaðarlausn­ir svo fátt eitt sé nefnt...

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Rétta teymið skiptir öllu máli image Rétta teymið skiptir öllu máli image

Rétta teymið skiptir öllu máli

Hugbúnaðarfyrirtækið Víkonnekt veitir nýsköpunar- og sprotafyrirtækjum þjónustu við að hanna hugbúnaðarlausnir og aðstoð við að ráða til sín sérhæft starfsfólk til að hanna og þróa hugbúnað. Í raun má skipta þjónustunni sem Víkonnekt býður upp á í þrennt, þó að...

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Lærði íslensku og hugbúnaðarverkfræði og stofnaði þrjú fyrirtæki á fimm árum image Lærði íslensku og hugbúnaðarverkfræði og stofnaði þrjú fyrirtæki á fimm árum image

Lærði íslensku og hugbúnaðarverkfræði og stofnaði þrjú fyrirtæki á fimm árum

Safa Jemai flutti til Íslands frá Túnis. Á fimm árum er hún orðin reiprennandi í íslensku og hefur lokið háskólanámi í hugbúnaðarverkfræði og stofnað þrjú fyrirtæki sem ganga vel. ...

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