In order to create a user-friendly web app and seamless experience for resellers and their clients, we worked closely with TM to design and develop their new web application, managing the frontend development and API integration
We started with research to understand the demands of electronics businesses and their customers before implementing our UI/UX design approach, which prioritized user-centric design principles to enhance usability and satisfaction.
The web app was built using Next.js 13+, React 18+, and TypeScript for a robust and scalable frontend. GraphQL and React Query were used for efficient data handling, ensuring fast and reliable operations.
The web app is containerized with Docker, styled with Tailwind CSS for a consistent design, and deployed on Kubernetes for high availability.
Automated CI/CD pipelines were created using GitHub Actions, supporting deployments to Vercel or Kubernetes. Storybook was used for component-driven development, and automated checks improved the pull request review process.
Við hjá TM erum ánægð með samstarf okkar við Víkonnekt. Þau hönnuðu og þróuðu sölukerfi fyrir tækjatryggingar byggðu á okkar trygginga API. Verkefnið gekk ótrúlega hratt og vel fyrir sig og samskiptin voru skýr og fagleg. Við getum mælt með þjónustu Víkonnekt.
We bring AI and people together through intelligent full stack applications
If you’d like to know more about our services or you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We usually respond to e-mails within 24 hours.
Tel: +354 855 5040
email: [email protected]
Address: Gróska, Bjargagata 1, 102 Reykjavík, Iceland